Migraines slowing progress
I really enjoy making residential lots, but it's been so hot and humid here this week that my migraines have been activing up. With more days of 30 degrees weather on the forecasts I doubt this week will get any better. I am living off my migraine medication, but I can only take so many a week. I like the summer, but anything about 25 degrees in unbearable to me.
So I apologise to people who have been waiting for more new lots, I was hoping to do two-three a day, but at the moment the best I can do is one :(
Also, an oddity I noticed is that for me, when I save my houses to the bin (the newer ones) and place them back into the neighborhood, they lower the lot level and the ground lowers by one "click". I truly hope I am the only one that has this, but if you've downloaded one of my latest homes and have noticed the same thing happening please inform me, I will then look into it further. Also, if you use my homes and don't have this issue, please let me know too, so I won't need to worry that my lots look weird, thanks! :)